Capture Settings Guide

Capture Settings Guide


The Capture Settings API allows you to configure the settings for the capture application for each port. It is easier or more intuitive to edit the setting on the QManager GUI, however the API is a flexible alternative for those who prefer to automate the configuration process.

Each capture port has a set of main settings that can be configured. These are just the Capture Settings and are accessible through the capture settings endpoints. Then if the filtering is enabled on the port, there can be a set of filter settings that can add additional configurations and filtering to the port. These are the Filter Settings and are accessible through the filter settings endpoints.

Capture Settings

The Capture Settings are the main settings for the capture port. These settings are accessible through the /api/v1/capture/capture_settings endpoint. The following are the settings that can be configured:

Get Capture Settings

GET - Get the capture settings for a port.

Path: /api/v1/capture/capture_settings


  • port: The port number of the capture port.


curl --location 'https://<Host Name>:8080/api/v1/capture/capture_settings?port=0' \ --header 'Authorization: ...'

In this example, the capture settings for port 0 are retrieved.

{ "status": "SUCCESS", "msg": { "Port0": "on", "Port_Alias": "Office_Traffic_240", "Filename": "sele_", "CapDir": "/cifs/capture/records/Port0/", "Timestamp": "nanosecond", "Cap2Disk": "capture", "IncFile": "on", "SegmentSize": "bysize", "Bytesize": "1000", "Sizeunit": "MB", "compress": "false", "Rotation": "on", "SyncDetect": "false", "Merge_Ports": "false", "Port_Slicing": "100", "Filtering_Enable": "off", "Inc_Resume": "0", "Filters": {} } }

If filtering is enabled then you might see all the filter settings in the Filters key.

Set Capture Settings

PUT - Set the capture settings for a port.

Path: /api/v1/capture/capture_settings


  • port: The port number of the capture port.


  • Port0: The state of the port. Can be on or off.

  • Port_Alias: The alias of the port.

  • Filename: The filename of the capture file. (Default: port{port})

  • CapDir: The directory where the capture files are stored.

  • Timestamp: The timestamp format of the capture file. Can be nanosecond, microsecond, millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, month, year.

  • Cap2Disk: The capture mode. Can be capture, buffer, off.

  • IncFile: Increment the filename. Can be on or off.

  • SegmentSize: The segment size of the capture file. Can be bysize, bytime, byfilesize.

  • Bytesize: The size of the segment. Can be any number between 50 and 4000.

  • Sizeunit: The unit of the size. Can be KB, MB, GB, TB.

  • compress: Compress the capture file. Can be true or false.

  • Rotation: Rotate the capture file. Can be on or off.

  • SyncDetect: Detect synchronization. Can be true or false.

  • Merge_Ports: Merge ports. Can be true or false.

  • Port_Slicing: Port Slicing enabled. Can be on or off.

  • Filtering_Enable: Enable filtering. Can be on or off.



curl --location --request PUT 'https://<Host Name>:8080/api/v1/capture/capture_settings?port=0' \ --header 'Authorization: ...' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "Port0": "on", "Port_Alias": "Office_Traffic_240", "Filename": "sele_", "CapDir": "/cifs/capture/records/Port0/", "Timestamp": "nanosecond", "Cap2Disk": "capture", "IncFile": "on", "SegmentSize": "bysize", "Bytesize": "1000", "Sizeunit": "MB", "compress": "false", "Rotation": "on", "SyncDetect": "false", "Merge_Ports": "false", "Port_Slicing": "100", "Filtering_Enable": "off" }'

In this example, the capture settings for port 0 are set.

Capture Filter Settings

The Capture Filter Settings are the settings for the capture port when filtering is enabled. These settings are accessible through the /api/v1/capture/capture_filter_settings endpoint. The following are the settings that can be configured:

Get Capture Filter Settings

GET - Get the capture filter settings for a port.

Path: /api/v1/capture/capture_filter_settings


  • port: The port number of the capture port.

  • filter: The filter number.


Set Capture Filter Settings

PUT - Set the capture filter settings for a port.

Path: /api/v1/capture/capture_filter_settings


  • port: The port number of the capture port.

  • filter: The filter number.


  • Filter: The name of the filter.

  • color: The color of the filter.

  • Priority: The priority of the filter.

  • VLAN_ID: The VLAN ID of the filter.

  • Cap_Unfiltered: Capture unfiltered packets. Can be true or false.

  • Protocol_Select: The protocol to filter on. Can be tcp, udp, icmp, arp, all.

  • Port_Number_Entry: The port number to filter on.

  • Port_Type: The type of port. Can be src, dst, src_dst.

  • IPV4: The IPv4 address to filter on.

  • ALL_TCP: Capture all TCP packets. Can be true or false.

  • HTTP: Capture HTTP packets. Can be true or false.

  • HTTPS: Capture HTTPS packets. Can be true or false.

  • TELNET: Capture TELNET packets. Can be true or false.

  • SSH: Capture SSH packets. Can be true or false.

  • RSH: Capture RSH packets. Can be true or false.

  • FTP: Capture FTP packets. Can be true or false.

  • SMTP: Capture SMTP packets. Can be true or false.

  • POP3: Capture POP3 packets. Can be true or false.

  • NNTP: Capture NNTP packets. Can be true or false.

  • NNTPS: Capture NNTPS packets. Can be true or false.

  • IRC: Capture IRC packets. Can be true or false.

  • LDAP: Capture LDAP packets. Can be true or false.

  • ALL_UDP: Capture all UDP packets. Can be true or false.

  • DNS: Capture DNS packets. Can be true or false.

  • TFTP: Capture TFTP packets. Can be true or false.

  • SNTP: Capture SNTP packets. Can be true or false.

  • NETBIOS: Capture NETBIOS packets. Can be true or false.

  • NTP: Capture NTP packets. Can be true or false.

  • DHCP: Capture DHCP packets. Can be true or false.

  • BOOTP: Capture BOOTP packets. Can be true or false.

  • GTP_CNTL: Capture GTP_CNTL packets. Can be true or false.

  • GTP_USER: Capture GTP_USER packets. Can be true or false.

  • GTP_V0U: Capture GTP_V0U packets. Can be true or false.

  • GTP_V1U: Capture GTP_V1U packets. Can be true or false.

  • GTP_V1V2: Capture GTP_V1V2 packets. Can be true or false.

  • CAP_NAME: The name of the capture file.

  • CAP_DIR: The directory where the capture files are stored.



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