Date/Time Packet Search Script via QP-API

Date/Time Packet Search Script via QP-API

This guide will show how to operate the search API using the packet search script.

This script serves two purposes:

  • To operated packet search using the search API

  • To learn how the API operates and how to run customized scripts

Supported QManager versions with the QP-API service enabled: (Ubuntu edition)

For the user to use the script it is required for the local unit (or the remote unit) to operate the QP-API. Otherwise the API requests will no go through.


How does it work?:

The script allows the user to operate date/time packet search using the QP-API.

  • Packet search will take a look at the indexed PCAPs captured by the capture program.

  • The script will access the API by hostname and will operate over SSL using port 8080

  • The user will select which directory they would like to search from and will indicate which date and which time range to search from

  • Once all the parameters have been set, the request is made in a form of a RESTful API and the server will go ahead and perform a search query

  • If the user is searching from another remote QP, they have an option to download the resulting output PCAP file onto the QP unit that they are working on.

  • If the user is searching on the same QP that the API is running on then the resulting output PCAP will end up in the designated output PCAP path set in the search parameters.

Steps into running the packet search script:

The QP-API scripts are located in /opt/qpapi_helpers which contain several scripts that can serve as examples on how to create customized scripts with various functionalities such as packet search, capture, managing PCAP files, etc.


1) Go to the qpapi_helpers directory

cd /opt/qpapi_helpers


2) Enable the virtual environment

source /opt/quantea/suite/KENV36/bin/activate

or run this alias command



3) Operating the script itself

The script will have the following options

Search parameters:

Required fields are:

-H (hostname)

-D (directory)

-F (from date)

-f (from time)

-T (to date)

-t (to time)

-O (output file path)









Show the help menu

-h or --help

python packet_search.py --help


Indicate the hostname (required)

-H or --hostname

python packet_search.py -H qp500unit


Indicate source directory

-D or --directory

-D '/cifs/capture/records/Port0'

Needs single quotes for directory

Date to search FROM

-F or --fromdate

-F 2024/07/01

In YYYY/MM/DD format

Time to search FROM

-f or --fromtime

-f 10:00:00

In hh:mm:ss format

Date to search TO

-T or --todate

-T 2024/07/02

In YYYY/MM/DD format

Time to search TO

-t or --totime

-t 00:00:00

In hh:mm:ss format

Seconds (to be released in the next version)

-S or --seconds

-S 60

Search the last X seconds from the current time (to be released in the upcoming version)

Search BPF syntax

-B or --bpf

-B ‘ip host’

Requires singles quotes. See BPF syntax document for more examples. BPF Syntax Document

Regular expression to search the packet with

-E or --expression

-E ‘google.com’

Requires single quotes. Follows the regular expression convention.

Output file

-O or --output

-O '/cifs/capture/permanent/search_output.pcap'

Requires single quotes. This is where the search result output will go to after search is completed.

Perform a search on a remote QP and download the search results

-R or --remote

-R 1

This is an optional parameter, this allows the user to search on an external QP and download the PCAP after search has been completed. The parameter will only take ‘-R 1’.

Debug statement is printed out

-d or --DEBUG

-d 1

To allow the debug statements to be printed. The parameter will be ‘-d 1’.

Filter by VLAN ID


--vlan 4

This parameter will search VLAN packets and will write them to the PCAP file. Multiple VLANs can be added by comma separated numbers e.g. 4,1001,2000

Filter by VxLAN ID


--vxlan 60

This parameter will search VxLAN packets with VNI of 60. Multiple VNI’s can be used by inputting comma separated numbers e.g. 70,120,1022



4) Examples

Here are several examples for reference:





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