Error Messages

Error Messages

Most of error messages are self-explanatory. The table below lists all the error messages.

Error Message

What it means

Error Message

What it means


File error, cannot find file “filename.pcap

File doesn’t exist. You get this error if you typed in the wrong filename or if it doesn’t exist in the specified directory path.
You also see this error if you forgot to add a “. pcap” file extension.


The “filename” you entered doesn't have a ‘.pcap' extension.

Packet Search only accepts filenames with '.pcap' extension.

The entered filename has a missing “.pcap” extension.


Please enter correct path and name of the
pcap file. You can only access pcap files from /nfs or /cifs directory.
Usage: '/nfs/volume_name/export_name/

You are only allowed to access files from “/cifs” or “/nfs” directories.


File Name: Field is Empty.
Use the links or file selector.

Enter the directory name and “filename” in the File Name field.


Output Filename: File currently exist.
Delete or rename output file to prevent

Change the Output filename.


Output filename: Enter filename.

Output Filename field is left blank.


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