Merge Port #: Enable this can merge 2 ports, capture the aggregated traffic. Merge is supported between port 0 with port1, port 2 with port 3, port 4 with port 5.
Compression: Compresses the file after writing to that file is complete. This works best when capturing using increment mode.
Rotational: When the volume reaches the threshold value (depending on the configuration of the QP), the oldest PCAP and compressed PCAP are deleted to make room for the newest PCAP captures.
OoS Detect: After starting capturing with OoS-Detect (Out-of-Sync Detection) enabled, the Capture Preview section of the Capture Panel will display alerts in an event that it detects any possible Out-of-Sync packet. Mostly used for multicast traffic.
Interval/File: This field is enabled after checking the Increment File checkbox. Choosing By File Size from the drop-down list brings the size field for selecting a file size.
Increment by Time: Increments the file by time (for 10 seconds to 30 minutes) even when the capture has not received any packets in that interval. This option is selected from the Interval/ File drop-down menu.
Increment by Packets: Increments the file by number of packets form (100 to 1,000,000 packets); it is recommended to increment using less than 100,000 packets for slow speed capturing only. This option is selected from the Interval/File drop-down menu.
Increment by File Size: Increment by the size of the file in megabytes. It has an upper limit of incrementing up to 4000MB and a lowest limit of 50MB. Note: In the Interval/File drop-down menu, select By File Size.
Packet Slicing(Bytes): Slice the packets according to the specified size. Currently we don't have restrictions on the packet slicing, if you would like mostly just the header and some payload; set to 128B. If you would like the minimum header set to 64B.
Virtual Capture Setting: Turning the filtering settings on will enable the filter settings. Turning it off will dis- able these settings. Refer to Virtual Capture Settings.